Comments on: Telus DSL “Broadband” – Not so much. no more band-aids Tue, 23 Aug 2016 15:14:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Telus Sucks Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:27:04 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-163528 Great site D’Arcy!

Hey Telus,

I’m the Guy that you keep phoning to sign back up with you for a long distance plan. Nah, I had enough of your crap after you took the Yak unlimited away. I’ll stick with Primus.

I’m also the Guy you keep charging $6.95 system access (?) a month plus 911 fee on his cell phone every month. Heard recently that the cell phone market will be opening up to more providers. Can’t wait, ’cause I’ll also cut my cell off with you Clowns.

Also been listening to you promise me on 26k that high-speed is coming……………8 years now. So, I signed up with a small, wireless, private provider and gladly pay them every month. ANYONE is better to give my hard-earned money to as opposed to you bastards with your licence (CRTC) to print your own money.

I highly reccomend more people do the same.

Direct Energy, you’re next!

By: dnorman Wed, 12 Dec 2007 16:58:58 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-150941 Colin, no compensation necessary. It’s definitely better now than it was when I wrote this post, but it’s still nowhere near what I was getting on Shaw. We’ve got TelusTV now, and it looks like bandwidth might be a problem there as well – lots of compression artifacts often making it unwatchable.

By: Colin Perry Tue, 11 Dec 2007 20:07:59 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-150514 Hey, one of my friends actually sent this to me to take a read, send me an Email sometime and i will see if we can do anything to compensate you for this, assuming it has not already been done.

One of the issues with ADSL/DSL is range, from the problems your discribing im guessing it was not range, I have recived a few calls about these problems but some nonetheless.

Its good to see that they solved the problem for you, did they ever say what exactly it was they did? where i work i have seen multiple issues that could cause what your issues were ranging from Using an old modem all the way to Bad wires all the way up on the pole =X.

I really am sorry to hear about this bad experiance you have had with us =(. Im glad they were eventually able to fix it for you tho.

By: Mike in Van Sat, 25 Aug 2007 18:52:57 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-108297 hey guys, stumbled upon this site and while the thread was started quite a while ago i thought i’d add my 2cents… i used to be on telus adsl in Delta BC (outskirts of vancouver) and generally averaged about 170KB/sec down and 60KB/sec up, which is what they advertise. The thing i liked about telus was that those speed were constant, it really didnt matter what time of the day i was using the internet i always got those speeds. anyways recently i moved and decided to try the local cable co (Delta Cable, DCCNet) its like shaw only a smaller provider, anyways after using telus for so long i almost crapped my pants when i started downloading torrents again, i was getting in excess of 600KB/sec or about 5Mb/sec on the download end of things, the upload was a little worse though, about 55KB/sec max i find. also when there are lots of people using it, my speeds drop into the 180 – 200KB/sec range, which is still faster than dsl so i guess i cant complain. one thing i didnt like about DCCNet is that a few months ago my total bandwidth was over 200gigs for the month and they throttled me down to 60KB/sec.. lol i guess its my own fault, but it kinda pissed me off.. 60KB/sec seems painfully slow after getting 10 times that on average!

overall id say they both have their benefits, but i will personally stay with cable for now as the speeds are WAY faster.

By: Ken Thu, 26 Jul 2007 07:51:23 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-98366 for speedtest @ telus try

By: Scott Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:39:50 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-97378 I am on Telus High Speed Extreme. Overall, I have been very satisfied. By the way I am in Medicine Hat. Originally I was on the Telus Home Networking Package (2.5Mbps). The package was discontinued and replaced by the Enhanced High Speed (3.0Mbps). I called and they upped the speed (albiet not much of a jump) for nothing. Then they started offering the Extreme Package (6.0Mbps) and I switched to that. No complaints on speed. If I download from a good site, my transfer speeds are right around the 650KB/s mark which is essentially 87% of the advertised speed. Using bandwidth tests from various places (primarily, it usually tops out just above 5.1Mbps. All in all no real complaints. Pretty much the same can be said for the upstream tests, usually come in at 850Kbps.

There was only twice when I wasn’t satisfied, and when I called the problems were handled quickly and professionally. Once while still on the Home Networking Package, I found my speed consistently at 1.5Mbps. I called and the tech could see that my modem for some reason was training at 1.5Mbps rather than 2.5Mbps. The problem was fixed in less than 24 hours. A similar problem occurred when I first switched to 6.0Mbps. The speed just wasn’t there. I called them and this time it took them a few days to sort out and tweak the line. As for outages, not a single one since 2004.

Just a couple of tips for those that have to call Telus help, some may seem fairly obvious or silly, but nonetheless to save time, do them.

1. Remove all your own networking equipment (ie anything that wasn’t provided by them) such as routers (wireless or not). The best is to connect directly to the modem via ethernet. If you don’t do this beforehand, they will have you do it and end up wasting a bunch more time.
2. Gather a bunch of information on ping times, traceroutes, and bandwidth testing. The more information you have available the more seriously they will take you. They will still have you do their thing, but once this proves to be inline with your own testing, they will escalate the call to their Tier 1 tech support (if they’re not able to fix it themselves).

In terms of bandwidth testing, I like to use Telus’ FTP site ( using the command line ftp program. Login is ‘anonymous’ and the password is an e-mail address (I always used my telus e-mail address, but I’m sure it will work with any e-mail address). Once in switch directories (cd pub > cd size-test). Once in the size-test directory, issue the command ‘get eight_meg’. It should download a junk file of 8 megs into C:\Documents and Settings\(your username)\ . Once downloaded, ftp should issue an average speed. This is likely to be the best transfer rate you can get with a Telus connection as it comes right off their own network. Also it couldn’t hurt to confirm the information at another bandwidth testing site (,, etc).

I am the first to complain when things don’t go my way, but really I can’t support the bashing of Telus as my experience personally and professionally (I am an EET) has been excellent. Nothing is perfect, but they will try their best to correct any problems you have (if the problem is their responsibility). I also can’t comment on how well Telus compares to Shaw, I have no experience with Shaw’s as an ISP. If it’s anything like their cable TV service though, I’m glad I passed. A friend of mine back in the 90’s was a Shaw internet user in Calgary. He complained that his service was down more than up and he was continually fighting to get pro-rated for the time his service wasn’t available. In fact it was his experience with Shaw that convinced me to go to Telus straight away.

By: dnorman Tue, 10 Jul 2007 18:33:19 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-93063 @Tokiac: not sure I follow your math here… The screenshot clearly shows that the utility was reporting “148.6 kilobits per second” – definitely not “kilobytes per second” or even “KBPS”. There is definitely an order-of-magnitude difference in performance observed.

By: Tokiac Mon, 09 Jul 2007 22:06:13 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-92852 dnorman, If you see your download speed going 148.6 per second, thats BYTES not BITS, 1.5Mbs = 192 KBPS (Default measuring speed shown in windows during downloading) so your getting the speed you were promised, or close too. not a magnitude by any means. Check for spyware, could easily be whats causeing the small deficit.

By: King Chung Huang Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-79650 I’m pretty happy with my Shaw@Home connection. DNS seems a bit sluggish at times, but the actual data transfer rates are good. I typically get about 30 KB/s up and 200 KB/s down.

Here’s what says about my current connection.

2.1 megabits per second

Communications 2.1 megabits per second
Storage 251 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 4.1 seconds
Subjective rating Great

By: D'Arcy Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://1784774271#comment-79651 Yeah… I’ll probably be switching back to Shaw after my lovely “New Telus Subscriber 1 Year Probation” period is up – if I break the agreement early, I get to pay a couple hundred bucks to Telus. That kinda sucks, but will get me to put up with crappy connectivity for a few more months…

I’ve tweaked my wireless settings and managed to eke out a few more k/sec – nothing too dramatic, but every byte helps… 🙂
