Tuscany Schools - Herald Photographer

So, we desparately need schools in Tuscany. Multiple schools, not just one. We figure 4 elementary schools could be filled. Easily.

The only problem is that there isn't any provincial cash to build them. We currently bus about 1000 kids out of the community, which costs a fortune in time and money, but
there's no capital budget to slap some bricks together.

We've been trying to raise awareness of the issue, and have been able to get a lot of community interest and support. The Community Association is pushing hard to get schools
built, and the Resident's Association is providing whatever support it can.

The press is even starting to get interested. The Herald sent a photographer out to gather some pics for a story on the
issue. Not sure when it's going to run, but we got a lot of parents and kids out on a cold (COLD) day, waiting for half an hour while the photographer was lost on his way...

Here's hoping we're able to shake something loose...

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