SciQ Pre-Alpha Goes Live

I've updated the theme for the SciQ Pre-Alpha theme. This version should handle stretching (vertically) much better. Granted, the search results pages won't be too long anyway, but I have to accommodate any length of page since they're being generated dynamically.

Currently, I've used placeholder "content" for all pages. I know, the default "Home" page won't be Q-Live, but I had graphics for that. And yes, I know the Q-Live button doesn't go anywhere (but you JUST SAID Q-Live had graphics! I know... I have to write a WebObjects component in the UCRepositoryCore framework that can handle "changeable" pages like in the Learning Commons Website. Should be done Monday or Tuesday of next week.)

Q-Zones has functionality, anyway - even though it's using the default Browse hierarchy from the CAREO theme. This will be replaced ASAP with the pretty (and non-hierarchical) browse design for SciQ. If you want to see what I'm talking about when I say I have to build for vertical stretchiness, click on "Sciences" in Q-Zones... Now, THAT"s a LOONG page.

Take it for a test drive. Just be aware that it might be down or seriously broken while I'm working on it. You've been warned.


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