Learning Object Creation/Editing

Now that the SciQ theme is mostly roughed in, I'm shifting focus yet again. We've had a Very Important Client request a form-based method to create and edit learning objects within the repository. We have ALOHA, but they need it integrated into the web interface.

We actually had that function about a year ago, in the CAREO prototype, but eventually had to scrap it because it was hard-coded to a single metadata schema, and that schema got updated. That broke the editor.

I'm going to be looking at building a quasi-schema-agnostic editor, ideally one in which the theme definition for the editing page could be used to define which fields should be provided to the user for entry (provide xpath?). Should be an interesting challenge... Worst-case scenario would be resorting to an IMS-only editor, and assume that 1.2.2 is good enough... How to handle the "Edit" button for objects described in other schemas, though?


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