What do YOU expect an RSS Link for a learning object to point to?

There is some debate over the behaviour of the RSS element. Should it point to the metadata for the learning object? Should it point to a "more info" page in the host repository?

As an example, would you rather have the link for a a learning object point to this location, or this one?

My personal take on the issue is this. If I'm syndicating a list of learning objects, say for use in an online course or something equivalent, I would need the link to point to the resource itself - the thing that is used for learning - the metadata or "more info" page would be useless to me in that context. If someone can talk me out of that, I would be grateful.

UPDATE: I had forgotten where I saw the initial post that started this thread (for me). It was Scott Leslie, at his weblog. posted here.

UPDATE 2: I've modified the CAREO RSS feeds to demonstrate both behaviours. The Newest Objects feed links directly to media, while search results link to the object metadata summary page.

See Also

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