WWDC Is Now Over. Now to implement...

First, a little haiku:

conference is over.
brain is full. too much info.
rush now to write code.

It was a completely amazing conference. King and I have been talking about some stuff that is making my head spin a bit. Seriously, this is going to take some time to sink in.

The next version of the repository is going to kick some major ass. Distributed searches. Natural language queries. Automation out the wazoo. Focussed helper apps to, well, help out...

I'm building my first Cocoa app, trying out the Panther build tools. I'm taking a stab at an ALOHA-like metadata entry application.

While I'm doing that, I'm going to rewrite the theming engine in the new repository to be composed of a set of frameworks that are based on the D2* rule system. And build a little visual rule editor/manager ala the D2* assistants.

Throw in some of the cool Flash ui widgets we just saw at SFMOMA, and this is going to be one sweet platform for sharing resources and community stuff.

Man. This is going to rock. Time to fasten the seatbelts.


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