Panther Rocks! (or, Loving the Cat...)

Panther simply rocks. At first, I thought it would take a while to get used to Expose (I am/was a die-hard Virtual Desktop user) but I'm actually quite liking it. The whole thing feels like a much faster OS (not sure if it actually is or not - who cares? perception is everything).

This is a scaled screenshot of Expose at work. The effect is awesome when viewed live (check out the vidoes on the Apple site). It's surprising how much info you can have available at once...

In this screenshot, I've got Mail, NetNewsWire Lite, Safari, iChatAV, OmniOutliner, several Finder windows, 2 Keynote presentations, OmniGraffle, iTunes, Transmit, BBEdit, DEVONthink PE, Terminal, and a few other utility windows that blew off the screen when Expose activated. All playing together nicely.

Never thought I'd like a cat - very much a dog person... Maybe the next build will have a canine code name?
Expose at work.

See Also

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