Pachyderm Kickoff Meeting Wrapping Up

The big Pachyderm 2.0 Kickoff Meeting in San Francisco is just about wrapping up now. It's been amazing the last couple of days. This group is simply incredible, with representatives from museums, universities, colleges, and the corporate world.

And they all Get it. The energy and excitement in the group is tangible. They are here for the collaboration and the process, not for fame or fortune. It's awesome.

We've broken off into working groups. I've been placed into the Software group and the Metadata/Interoperability group.

We should have our reference Pachyderm server running in the Learning Commons by early next week (we'll be restoring a Ghost image of SFMOMA's Making Sense of Modern Art exhibit server).

REALLY looking forward to playing around with Pachyderm, and seeing what kinds of things it can (and, perhaps more importantly, can't) do.

Project updates on the PachyBlog.

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