WODev: WebObjects Wiki Engine

I just got an email from someone asking about the wiki engine I used for the CAREO wiki stuff. He was wondering if there were any WebObjects wiki engines out there. I thought I'd seen one, a long time ago, so I did a quick Google for it.

After filtering the usual noise (some from my own blog. doh.) I found a page by Pierre Bernard, with a link to WODev.

WODev is a wiki on WebObjects, implemented in WebObjects. And, it's Open Source, so code is available etc...

I'd selected PHPWiki for a couple of reasons. First, it's pretty solid, so I wouldn't have to worry too much about it. More importantly, though, it allowed me to use full URLs as page names, so I could use it to create Wiki pages for any object in CAREO (or SciQ, or Learning Commons Teaching Resources, or etc...). I just did a test in WODev Wiki, and it supports this too, so it should work just fine. Not sure what the limit on characters in the page name is, but it would be trivial to change if it's too small...

When I get a chance, I'll look at migrating from PHPWiki to WODev Wiki, so I can integrate with the upcoming APOLLO stuff a little better...

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