DirectorWeb is 10 years old!!

The DirectorWeb website is 10 years old! Holy cow. Time flies. I used to spend a LOT of time on this site, using their Direct-L listserv archive/search utility, back when I was doing ~100% Director stuff. Alan did an awesome job on DirectorWeb, so much so that I considered it essential to doing Director development. I still remember many of the regulars (WTHMO - Warren (the Howdy Man Oleshko), Zav, Zac, John Dowdell, Warren The Audi Man (from, IIRC) and many more...) Direct-L searches for "howdy" show that WTHMO must still be active ;-) I appear to have been dropped from the online archives, or perhaps more accurately, the archive doesn't go back far enough to include me ;-)

It's some kind of synchronicity thing, when I first "met" Alan Levine almost 10 years ago via DirectorWeb and Direct-L, and now deal quite a bit with him on Pachyderm, and other things Learning Object. What a long, strange trip it's been... ;-)

Thanks for the update on DirectorWeb, Alan! (although, like yourself, I haven't seriously touched Director for several years now...)

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