Podcasts from EDUCAUSE NLII Conference

The folks at EDUCAUSE are doing something interesting this year at NLII - they are releasing the audio from many sessions via audio attachments to their EDUCAUSE Community Blogs. Podcasting the conference. That's freaking awesome! I'd expect that from something like BloggerCon, but for a "mainstream educational conference" to be doing this... I'm impressed.

I've downloaded every session they've released thus far. The audio quality ain't great (levels waaay too low, so I risk blowing an eardrum at the end of the track when my iPod switches to the next one... ouch), and the bandwidth doesn't seem to be quite there, but they are doing some cool stuff. And the production value of the intro bodes well (if they can get a microphone closer to the presenter... :-) )

If you swing that way, grab their Podcasts feed and groove with the rest of the class. Awesome.

I'm really hoping they managed to grab audio from Brian Lamb's session on WikiLand...

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