Playing around with MovableType

I've been playing around with MovableType to test it out for a potential weblogs@ucalgary rollout. It's really quite nice. I've used MT 2.x before (and it's still running on our main webserver), but 3.15 is a nice and polished package. I can't seem to get it to recognize my NetPBM installation to generate image thumbnails, but that's not critical. I also can't seem to get LDAP authentication working, and that's a bit more critical. I'll try to tinker with that when I get time.

I've also set up an extremely simple page (actually, it's a blog with no content of its own) that lists the last 20 posts on all blogs in the system. Works well, and I've got a crontask set to update it every 15 minutes so it should scale up nicely with a balance between up-to-the-minute posts and not hammering the system. It also provides an RSS feed for the whole system, which is pretty cool.

These are things that Drupal does as well, but in a rather more clunky manner, with more complexity on the screen. MT hides all complexity behind the Admin interface, so readers aren't exposed to any of it (which is a Good Thing).

Personally, I prefer WordPress, and will continue to use it to power this weblog. But it has issues with scalability, making it less desirable for a large-scale multi-user multi-blog project on a campus scale.

It's interesting that this non-project has gone from an idea tossed around between Paul and myself on the flight back from Northern Voice, to something attracting the attention of Information Resources, and of Information Technologies (who apparently are hesitant to come near this puppy for fear of being left to support it).

UPDATE: reworded some text to sound less confrontational.

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