New Theme for Blog

I'd been using the Kubrick theme since well before WordPress 1.5, when it became the default theme. At first, it was a nice, clean theme that stood out from the rest of the other blogs out there. Now, it's a nice, clean theme that everyone else is using. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but I'm getting tired of seeing Kubrick everywhere.

I just changed the theme to Wuhan (which I ever so slightly modified), which is based on Kubrick, but also takes some design cues from Macromedia.

I'll be tweaking it a bit over the next few days (I'm "off" for the week, so I've got a bit of time to play with WP while Evan sleeps). I'm not really happy with the header/banner graphic, so that's where I'll start. It just looks kinda thrown in there. I want to keep the text background generic enough so that I can switch the background image at will (or randomly, as I was doing with my modified Kubrick theme). And perhaps the banner graphic is too tall... A bit gratuitous now that the tabs are above the banner...

Other than that, I'm pretty happy with Wuhan.

Update: I've added in the calls to the extra plugins: Subscribe to Comments, Technorati Tags, and Related Posts. Now to figure out what I want to do with the banner graphic...

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