Planet ADCE: Latest Posts on Apple Digital Campus Exchange Weblogs

I'm trying a bit of an experiment here... I just installed a (slightly hacked/cleaned-up) copy of Feed on Feeds to aggregate all of the Apple Digital Campus Exchange weblogs via their exposed RSS feeds. I'm hoping this gets replaced by a "real" solution hosted by Apple, but in the meantime...

Planet ADCE: Latest Posts on Apple Digital Campus Exchange Weblogs

It's not pretty - I didn't have time/energy to make it much better than the stock layout. And the order of the old posts is funky due to the way Feed on Feeds sucks in posts - they're stamped with the cache date rather than the post date - so all existing posts got essentially the same cache date and they show up in unpredictable order. This will be sorted out with the new posts, which will be automatically cached every hour.

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