LazyWeb Request: Drupal + WebDAV integration?

I've got a project that will require the use of Drupal (or something like it, but it's looking like Drupal at the moment - I've got a mockup running for the project, and it's solving about 90+% of their defined needs just using a stock Drupal installation with a handful of plugins), and one of the things that the users will have to do will be to upload files (images, .doc, .zip, whatever) into the system for reflection/commenting/review. They would also like to use these uploaded files outside of the system (for instance, on their own web pages, in an "ePortfolio", whatever), and we'd like to provide a solution that wouldn't force them to upload the files separately into two locations (their WebDAV volume for "regular" use, and into the Drupal system for review).

A quick Google search turned up a WebDAV project as part of the Google Summer of Code, but it's intended to expose the Drupal database via WebDAV (for backup, or alternate interfaces...)

Any ideas on how a file uploaded into Drupal could be placed into a user's institutional WebDAV space, rather than in Drupal's /files/ directory?

ps. this was posted using Flock, and I think it took me longer to enter it via the WYSIWYG interface than it would have taken to just enter the HTML. Perhaps once I get used to the editor... Oh, and no place to enter categories? wtf?

Update: Apparently, editing an existing post using Flock's editor makes the post disappear from my blog. Have to go in and manually re-publish the post after editing in Flock...

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