A few days with OmniWeb 5.1.2

I'm really digging OmniWeb. It's got lots of cool stuff that work as I would expect them to, not as if they were ported from some other source. It behaves as a great MacOSX app should.

Over the weekend, I was writing up a blog post, and when I got to about 75% done, I opened a new tab to get a link. OmniWeb crashed. Crap! OmniCrashCatcher pops up, and I filed what would perhaps be described as a more-colourful-than-necessary bug report. The next morning, however, I fired up OmniWeb again, and all of the tabs that I had opened were restored for me - and, get this - the contents of the WordPress blog post entry form were also resurrected for me, right at the point OmniWeb had crashed! I didn't lose a thing! That's just plain awesome. It never occurred to me to even check to see if the form values would be resurrected after a crash, so I assumed the post was gone. Of course, it wasn't Shakespeare or anything, but still - that's just cool.

On top of that, the "live" source editor rocks quite nicely, and the "Get Info" pane for any page is the best I've seen. (it would be even better if it allowed you to get the full URL for every resource, but that's so minor)

So far, the OmniWeb experience has rocked. No plans to switch off of it as a default browser. But, there are a few little niggles that keep me launching Safari occasionally.

  • The "AJAX" stuff in Flickr doesn't seem to like OmniWeb. I'd thought maybe the ad-blocking stuff was borking it, so turned it off. No joy. Can't add photos as favorites. Can't edit titles/descriptions of photos. Can't even open Organizer for some reason... Have to launch Safari for that - which is odd, since they're both based on WebKit - perhaps OmniWeb's embedded WebKit is a bit off?
  • Some sites just don't want to display in it. No idea if it's a weird browser-sniffing thing going on or not, but I've had to launch Safari a couple of times to view things.
  • CSS display seems to be a bit off - things like the Flickr photos section of my blog display weirdly - and there are other sites that don't behave as they do in Safari.

But, those are relatively minor nits to pick. Hopefully easy fixes (either in configuration on my end, or in code at OmniGroup). I'm just glad I'm putting my OmniWeb license to use again :-)

Update: Oh, yeah. Just realized that one of my machines has to run OmniWeb in "unlicensed mode" since the licensing system checks the LAN for other copies using the same serial number. That means I'd get to buy a license for every machine that I want to run OmniWeb on - not cool. I paid for the OW license, but I'd have to shell out another $29US for each machine I want to use it on. I could see a token fee - $5 or $10 per additional machine - but not a whole 'nother license...

Update: I also find that I really miss Safari's page-load-status-as-thermometer-in-Location-bar style of loading indicator. Makes it much easier to see status in my peripheral vision - in OW, I have to seek out the rotating "loading" widget, then click on it to see how much of the page is left to load. Much less elegant.

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