SFMOMA is Podcasting!

SFMOMA PodcastsI just got an email from Peter Samis, the lead Pachyderm wrangler at SFMOMA (complete with signature Tilley). SFMOMA just launched their podcasting program. They're providing a feed with a variety of content providing information about the exhibits at the museum.

And, here's the kicker. They're taking it all the way. Instead of charging a fee for providing this service, they're providing a discount on museum admission to people who take advantage of the podcasts! Talk about an awesome way to give people an incentive to come to the museum. The best of both worlds - they can take advantage of the podcast without stepping foot into the museum, but if they're in the area, they get a break for coming in and seeing the collections in person. That's great!

Good work, Peter (and Tim, and Tana, and all of the elves...) It's pretty cool to see what you came up with after the initial brainstorming we had over "four cheese pizza" in San Francisco this summer ;-)

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