My Edublogs Reading List (now with OPML)

I just updated my copy of Blogbridge to the latest weekly (2.12) and in this version they threw the switch on OPML publishing of folders/guides of feeds. I took a couple of minutes to gather my education-related subscriptions into one guide, and tried publishing it as OPML.

D'Arcy's Wild and Wacky Edublogs Reading List

It contains 102115 feeds of edubloggy goodness. There are some stale feeds that I just can't bring myself to delete (you know, in case they ever post something). If you're using an aggregator that groks live OPML feeds, just subscribe to the URL. If you're using anything else, you may need to download the OPML and manually import it.

No guarantees that I'll keep the list up to date, but it's easy enough to do that it shouldn't be a problem (unlike the educational directory, which is a tedious pain in the ass to maintain - which is why I've neglected it for months)

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