Drupal Search Funkiness

I've been noticing that the search feature of this Drupal blog has been acting up for awhile - searching for "drupal" turns up only 4 items, but I've written many many posts mentioning Drupal. I didn't think it was a big deal, but I've actually been getting emails and IMs asking me wtf wrt searching.

So, I dug a bit deeper. Turns out, Drupal is refusing to index my content when cron.php is called. It's called every hour, but the /admin/settings/search status indicator is stuck at:

Drupal Search Index Not Updating: Taken on 2006/06/07, showing the search index not updating, even though cron.php is called every hour (and I even manually triggered it several times) and the number of items to process is turned down to 10.Drupal Search Index Not Updating: Taken on 2006/06/07, showing the search index not updating, even though cron.php is called every hour (and I even manually triggered it several times) and the number of items to process is turned down to 10.

Some poking around on the Drupal site didn't turn up anything useful. I'll keep poking around to hopefully find out wtf is going on with searching. It's a puzzler...

Update: Temporarily fixed. Something's definitely borked. It's only updating the first batch of nodes, even if cron.php is called multiple times. The hack fix involves editing search.module to allow larger batches so all nodes make it into the first run. I added a "2000" item to the $items array on line 217, then cleared the old index by clicking the "Re-index site" button. Manually called cron.php and let it chew, and now all nodes are properly indexed. No idea if I'll have to keep re-indexing. That would be an ugly hack...

Update the Second: Looks like everything's updating ok now... I'll try dropping the batch size back down to a sane value to see if it still works (or if it really is just indexing the first batch of records only)

Update the Third: Yeah. All's well now. New content is being automatically indexed, and all old content is properly indexed. Wonder what happened...

Drupal Search Funkiness - resolved: it's now 100% indexed. no idea what was wrong before...Drupal Search Funkiness - resolved: it's now 100% indexed. no idea what was wrong before...

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