VuPoint toy camera and MacOSX?

I was at the mall with Evan today, and we popped through the Toys 'R Us store. They had a cool looking little toy digital camera for $19, so I just had to pick it up for Evan to mess around with. The box said the software was only for Windows, but I just assumed that MacOSX would be able to see it magically, as it does for everything else that claims to be Windows-only.

No luck. I've been googling for drivers or apps or hacks, without any success. Does anyone know how to get pictures from a VuPoint Solutions DC-M1082-VP onto MacOSX? I don't care if I have to delve into obscure command line utilities, or compile some open source project. I just have to find a way to get Evan's masterpieces off the camera. And, no, I am not going to buy a Windows machine to do it. It'd be cheaper/easier to just buy a new Canon XTi and hand him my XT :-)

Evans first camera

He's been shooting pictures almost non-stop since I handed him the camera. That's pretty cool.

**Update:** A command line utility called `gphoto` seems to talk to the camera. I haven't tried it, but [there's a howto by David Clark posted online]( (thanks to Daan for the tip!)

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