Canon Canada's Rebate Program Sucks

I bought my Canon Digital Rebel XT back in June, with the timing of the purchase a direct result of Canon Canada's $100 rebate offer. I bought the camera at that time specifically because of the additional rebate. Otherwise, I would have likely held off a month or two, probably waiting for the release of the XTi. (an aside on the timing - I actually jumped the gun, buying the camera 2 weeks too early to be eligible for $400 back from work, so actually lost $500 in rebates and benefits because of the timing - that's almost half the price of the camera)

5 months later, and Canon still hasn't made good on the rebate. I've been in touch with their support folks, who passed me off to a 1-800 number and website for a separate rebate fulfillment firm "The Rebate Company". Classy. So, I try calling the number, which only works during normal business hours. Except that's when I work, too. So, should I be calling them from the company phone? The Rebate Company website is useless. I go through the motions, and they claim to have no record of my claim. My word against theirs. Black's Photography can't help me because it's a Canon program. Canon can't help me because it's a Rebate Company program. The Rebate Company is just not helping.

Canon, I love the camera. I've taken almost 5000 shots (about 1000 per month). I've been recommending Canon cameras to everyone who asks. I'm planning more purchases (lenses, flashes, etc...). But I'll be staying far, far away from the rebate program. It's false advertising when they don't deliver.

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