I'm in the EdTechPost Top 12 Edublogs!

Holy crap! D'Arcy Norman dot net is listed in the EdTechPost Top 12 Edublogs list!

That's so freaking awesome. Thank you so much! I would like to also thank all of the little people (you know who you are) who helped me make this milestone possible. It's things like this that make blogging worth all of the hassles, the paparazzi, the extreme financial burden, and the constant continuous partial attention. Wow.

And, I get to brag about the awesome company I'm keeping on The List. Stephen Downes. Alan Levine. Brian Lamb. Bryan Alexander. George Siemens. And it just goes on and on like that! Wow. Seriously. I'm blushing here.

I even got a cool badge to post on my blog! Check it out:
EdTechPost top 12 edublog badge

I've got to go pack now. I'm heading to Malawi to adopt some orphans before Madonna gets them all.

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