Education Sessions at Northern Voice

I just checked the schedule, and I'm going to be part of a panel discussion titled "Social Software for Learning Environments". The other panelists are Chris Lott, Sylvia Currie and Jon Beasley-Murray, with moderation by Brian Lamb.

It should be a blast. I've been following Chris and Jon's (and of course Brian's) blogs for a long time now (I'm sorry Sylvia - I don't think I've seen your blog yet, although I've seen your tracks on many of the blogs I read). I'm not completely sure what I'll talk about for my portion of the panel presentation, but I'll likely share some experiences from, our incredible success with the student teacher blogging/journal program, and the shared social software hosting environment I'm working on with BCIT for BCCampus.

Hopefully the session is spent mostly on discussion, rather than presentation. I'm sure we'll all have a lot to talk about.

We're also working on a cool session for Moose Camp (with Scott Leslie at the helm of that one) on mashups for non-geeks. That should be fun, too. (and I've still got a lot of homework to do before that session...)

Northern Voice (and Moose Camp, and anything else we can scrape together) should be another incredible experience this year. To top it off Cole is coming up from Penn State (maybe we'll get to do an ETS Talk Podcast from Vancouver?), and Chris is flying in from the UK.

Good thing I've got a nice, long vacation planned shortly after I return from NV! :-)

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