Hope for Peak Oil. Soon.

Things are getting out of hand, when Peak Oil - the end of cheap petroleum - is the only way I can see out of this mess. It would help reduce carbon emissions, and it would help reduce our environmental exposure to plastics and plastic byproducts like Bisphenol-A.

My friend Niran gave a rundown of how pervasive environmental plastics are, and the dangerous side effects of our constant exposure to them. Grey Goo, but as a result of Better Living Through Chemistryâ„¢

Very scary stuff. Between the upcoming drop in global carrying capacity, impending spike in fuel prices, and environmental contamination through petroleum products and byproducts, we're in for an interesting ride over the next 50 years...

I recently got rid of an old plastic table that was sloughing a white powder. I had no idea that was a product of photodegredation of the polymers, and that the white dust wasn't just annoying but potentially toxic (if not to me, then to the critters that form the base of the planet's food chain/web). Of course, by "got rid of", I mean "carted to the landfill, where it continues to photodegrade, but I don't have to look at it."

My house is full of (and made of) plastics. My fridge is stocked with it. My water is stored in it. My vitamins encased. There is no part of my home, work, or neighbourhood that is free of plastics (and by extension, petroleum). Very scary to imagine the changes that will be necessary to reduce that, or to adjust to a new way of doing things without the long polymers so cheaply available...

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