Online Video Party @ Canadian eLearning 2007 Conference

I learned long ago, that when given the opportunity to do anything with Brian, I should jump on it. Doesn't matter where, or what. Just do it. It'll be interesting, or at least fun. Most likely, it'll be both, in spades.

I was handed the chance to do something fun with Brian as part of the welcome reception for the Canadian eLearning 2007 Conference in Edmonton next week. It's something new for the conference - entertainment as part of the welcome reception. What to do? People will be eating/drinking/talking, so a full-on presentation wouldn't go over very well. What to do... What to do...
How about an Online Video Party?

So, we've picked a selection of videos, and will be queuing them up with some intro and discussion blabbidyblah. But mostly, we'll watch some cool videos, and try to see how many people get freaked out by the trippy safe trippin' test video. The first 3 rows will get wet.

I'll have our video selections playing in a nice Keynote presentation, and will convert that to a web-friendly version after the event. I'll also try to record audio during the session, in case anything interesting happens.

Live, from Edmonton, it's [Tuesday] night!

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