Mooseward, ho! (i.e., Northern Voice 2008)

I just got my signed travel request approval to cover my pilgrimage to Lotusland for NothernVoice 2008. I mean, I was already planning on going, even if I had to stick the trip on my Visa card, but it's nice to know I can go with blessings :-) The moose is loose!

Tanglewood Moose - 6

As I've said a few times, this is my one must-attend event. If this is all I get to do in 2008, the year would still be a success. The biggest draw for me is being able to hang out with a bunch of people whom I both respect and admire, and let myself get pulled out of my normal comfort zone to kick out the jams for what isn't a purely educational, nor a purely technology conference. I've blogged before about why I'm looking forward to NV08, and why previous NorthernVoice conferences have been so meaningful for me.

Now, if we can only avoid another outbreak of the dreaded Moose Fever...

work  fun 

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