Not Really an Edublog

I just took a quick peek at the "Top Posts & Pages" stats for my blog, as calculated by the Stats system. I had it run the numbers for my most popular posts of all time, and was both surprised and dejected. Apparently, this is not an edublog after all.

I'm actually not sure what kind of blog this is - my most popular post of all time was a comment on potential political/police entrapment of protestors. Followed, way back, by a stupid post on how (the then newly released) Google Maps could see my house. There are a couple of posts with source code or tips. One on MediaWiki. At #19, the first post that might be interpretted as educational in nature - talking about podcasting.

Whatever. It's my blog, and I'll probably keep posting crap on all kinds of topics. Maybe I should set up a new WordPress Category just for "edublog" posts...

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