my final post on edupunk

I'm listening to the EdTechPosse podcast 4.3, and they're talking a bit about "edupunk". I fired a few comments into Twitter, but wanted to flesh them out a little more.

"Edupunk" is not about a bunch of middle-aged geeks reliving their youth. Back in the day, I was much too much of a dork to be a part of punk. I was never a punk as a kid. I'm not "reliving" anything. Edupunk is more than just reminiscing some form of adolescent anarchy. It's not just trying to recapture lost youth. Although, if there is that angle for some people, more power to them.

"Edupunk" is not about the name. One could call it Super Happy Fun DIY Smiley People and it would be the same thing. The name has been more of a source of confusion than anything - but it has been valuable in that it did cause much conversation about the topic that wouldn't likely have happened if it had been called Super Happy Fun DIY Smiley People. The *punk portion of the label was also important because it pushed conversation in the direction of tearing down walls and breaking down hegemony. That is important, and needs to be talked about. We need to be talking about these topics that make us uncomfortable.

"Edupunk" did not die a week after the initial discussion. It just went underground. The wordsmithers and people who were hung up on dissecting the "*Punk" portion of the name sucked the soul out of it, and, at least for myself, I've decided to just ignore all conversation on the topic and just do it. (says the guy listening to a podcast discussing edupunk, writing yet another blog post on edupunk...)

Anyway, here closes my last post on the topic. No more talking about it. Time to get back to work.

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