Tack Sharp Photography Podcast

I'd dabbled with doing a series of photography casts, but stopped doing it when I realized there are SO many people out there far better suited to doing this. The real reason I stopped doing my screencasts is that I was focusing more on Aperture, and there is the excellent Inside Aperture blog and podcast that handles that much better than I ever could.

The latest example is the really great new Tack Sharp podcast from professional photographer James Duncan Davidson and amateur photographer Dan Benjamin.

This podcast is great for a few reasons - first of which is the range of expertise - James is an awesome professional photographer, shooting high end events with a wide range of sick gear (and recently started switching from Canon to Nikon, so it's good to get a non-religious perspective on the gear, and I've been following James' photostream on Flickr for years now. great, great stuff!) - and Dan is a high-end amateur shooter, so the conversation covers a wide range of expertise levels.

There's no pretension in the podcast - they come right out and say that the only difference between professional and amateur photographers is that one gets paid to do it. Pros and cons to both sides of the coin, as it were.

I'm subscribed, and am looking forward to future episodes. They're so far VERY well done, and informative. I'm planning on busting my (el cheapo) monopod out of storage to try out as a result of their discussion.

The problem I have is that I'm even more seriously jonesing to upgrade from my aging Canon XT body to something higher end...

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