Testing WPMU 2.7

To share with the rest of the class, the mu-plugins that I've just casually tested to work with the WPMU 2.7 snapshot as of today are (and by "working" I mean "didn't blow up this copy of WPMU" not "work perfectly"):

  • Add User Widget 1.0
  • Additional Tags 1.0.0
  • Admin Message 1.0.3
  • WPMU Theme Stats 1.0
  • Akismet Credit Inserter 1.0.1
  • Akismet 2.2.1
  • Anarchy Media Player
  • Avatars 3.1.0
  • Blog Activity 1.1.0
  • Content Monitor 1.0.4
  • Dashboard Feeds 1.5.0
  • Domain Mapping 0.3
  • More Privacy Options 2.7
  • Google Analytics Insert 0.1
  • Invite 1.0.7
  • Invitation 2.0
  • Limit Country Signups 0.1
  • List-All-Posts 0.0.2
  • List-All 0.0.5
  • Login As... 1.1
  • Mass Mailer 1.0.1
  • MU Admin Bar 1.4.4 (but it looks wonky compared to the new WordPress admin bar)
  • Show Media Buttons 1.0.0
  • Signup Password 1.0.0
  • Signup TOS 1.0.4
  • Sitewide Tags Pages 0.3.1
  • TanTanNoodles Simple Spam Filter 0.1
  • User Activity 1.0.0
  • Sitewide Feed 0.3.2
  • Zappo WPMU Top Posts 0.42.4

And these plugins appear to work as well:

  • Wiki Inc. 0.5
  • Dagon Design Import Users
  • Post Revision Display 0.1
  • Role Manager 2.2.3
  • Subscribe to Comments 2.1.2
  • WP-Stats 2.31

Finally, my modified versions of Cutline and Carrington-blog both appear to work just fine. Woohoo! If WPMU is released before Monday, I'll upgrade. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until the end of the semester because I don't want to push out such a radical redesign of the dashboard/admin interface in the middle of a semester...

See Also

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