on providing Creative Commons attribution

One of the things I do when working with students and faculty, is to show them how to find great free resources shared online via the Creative Commons license, and to provide proper attribution. It's really easy. It can be as simple as "Photograph by ", and maybe a link to the photo page.

The Tekzilla podcast (and TV show?) used a photo of mine in a recent episode (Episode 93: "Netbook Buyer's Guide", June 18 2009). I'm fine with that - I release every photo I publish under a simple Creative Commons attribution license to make that kind of thing easy to do.

Here's how Tekzilla handles attribution:


Oops. Nope. They didn't put it there. There was plenty of room for their network logo badge, though.

Maybe in the credits for the show? Nope. But there was room for about 2 minutes of super-funny blooper out-takes.

They had used many photographs throughout the show, likely all from Flickr, without providing any attribution for any of them. Without even a lame "Photo from Flickr" - the way the photos were used, it appeared as though they (or someone on their crew) had taken all of them. Maybe they had taken some of them, but it was completely unclear.

That's not cool. That's not abiding by the terms of the Creative Commons license.

Speaking of attribution, thanks to Paul for the heads up on this. He recognized my photo while watching the podcast episode.

And here's the original photograph on Flickr:

Cochrane Hill Sunset - 1
Photograph by D'Arcy Norman

Update: Turns out that it was a simple oversight, and will be rectified by Tekzilla providing attribution in a future episode.

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