Fully supported hosted Eduglu is coming! | Eduglu — Drupal Social Learning Platform

I haven't had a chance to check it out since the initial announcement, but it looks like it's progressing nicely. A social network application built entirely using Drupal and a set of modules.

[Eduglu Alpha 2](http://eduglu.com/sites/eduglu.com/files/eduglu_release/eduglu-1-0-alpha2.tgz) is available now. I'll have to grab a copy when I'm back in the office next week...

Now, how to reconcile this with my disdain for the concept of the PLN? Because Eduglu isn't claiming to be the whole widget. It's a way to connect various sources of content, published by various people, distributed across the internet, and then use that in the context of a class. Where the magic really happens.

from *[Fully supported hosted Eduglu is coming! | Eduglu — Drupal Social Learning Platform](http://eduglu.com/)*

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