Beyond McLuhan: Your New Media Studies Syllabus

[An article in The Atlantic]( describes [Christina Dunbar-Hester]('s PhD course at Rutger's. It sounds absolutely fascinating, delving into media theory, technological determinism and change, politics, etc...

>In order to answer these questions (or at least deeply consider them), the course starts with an introduction to theories of technology and technological change, drawn primarily from the scholarly field of Science & Technology Studies. From these readings, we gain a nuanced sense of how social relations get "inside" technology, including the assumptions about society that may come to be embodied in technical artifacts and knowledge. So for the first half or so of the course, we are mainly just getting our feet wet with these theories of technology.
>However, I teach in Rutgers' School of Communication & Information, and this course is for our Ph.D. students. So the challenge is to make these general theories about technology, culture and change relevant for thinking about media and information technologies specifically. Fortunately, this is becoming easier to do: more work that forges links between these areas of scholarship is coming out all the time, which is exciting and makes now a great time to offer this course.

I want to take this course.

She's posted the topics and readings. Perhaps I'll take the course vicariously. Perhaps this is a candidate for a MOOC. Anyone interested in following along?

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