I'm with Jim (and a bunch of others)


I'm a serial open course dropout, but Jim's course on digital storytelling sounds like too much fun to pass up. Is it really a course? Sounds like more of an experience. A festival.

[Whatever it is, I'm in.](http://ds106.us/) It starts January 10, 2011 (despite the claim on the course website that we must travel back in time to start the course). I really don't know what to expect as part of this - I'm sure it's going to be noisy, messy, chaotic, interesting and fun. What more could a person ask for? I know I'm way out of my league - seeing the work that the previous (and current) students have produced. *gulp*

2009-08-13 reverend study.jpg

Now, let's make some art, damn it!

2008-05-24 Space Dance Party - 11.jpg

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