the only engaging ad is no ad at all

Instagram's CEO, talking about the awesome plans for ramping up ads in their service:

"I think the advertising experience is going to be extremely engaging," Systrom said. "It's much harder with text," but Instagram offers photos, and brand names such as Audi, Kate Spade, and Burberry have joined Instagram.

"They're sharing pictures of products and the message of their brands. That shows we're at the beginning of what will come with brands," he said.

via Instagram photo app for Android is under way | Deep Tech - CNET News.

The advertising experience is going to be extremely engaging? Who in hell wants engaging ads? Who wants ads at all? Another important reason why I'm doing the reclaim project, hosting my own stuff here on my blog. No ads, ever. Or monetization of user-generated-content through synergistic engagement. Or something.

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