my subscribed edublog feeds

Just checked my RSS reader - I subscribe to 79 101 feeds tagged as "edublogs". Not all are active - some are still in there, in the hopes that the owner of the site comes back to play. It's also not comprehensive. There are lots of feeds I don't subscribe to. But, these are my go-to reads, with a decent signal:noise ratio, with little breathless hype. Likely not everyone's cup of feed, but I find them useful.

Here's the list, in handy-dandy OPML format.

Remember when RSS was dead? And blogging? Me either.

Update: I ran the OPML through this handy dandy OPML link checker utility. It found 3 bad feeds, so I'll need to update them ASAP…

Edublogs OPML link checking

Update 2: just added a bunch of new links thanks to a nudge from Alec

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