2014 week 41 in review

A busy but quiet week.

Learning Outcomes in D2L

Working with the Schulich School of Engineering to figure out how to map the CEAB Graduate Attributes and supporting outcomes into D2L, so they can report back through the accrediting process about their curriculum and the students' overall competency at The Attributes. Lots of struggling on my part, trying to work through the D2L documentation to figure out how to model the outcomes hierarchy, and then to figure out what kind of reporting and rollups can be generated. Hopefully, we’ll figure this out in time for them to use it for their faculty accreditation process.


Almost-final planning for our 1-day all-hands retreat next week. This is going to be exhausting, but I know we’re going to learn a lot about what the EDU is, and how we all see the pieces fitting together. We’ve got a really good plan for the retreat (and the overal strategic planning process), and I can’t wait to get to it!

D2L Course Administrators Community

We had one of our quarterly community gatherings this week. Almost 30 people, from every faculty across campus. We shared a whole bunch of info about the state of the transition from Blackboard (i.e., IT’S DONE), and tips/tricks/etc… for getting stuff done easily. Started to share info about the move to a more community-based support model, now that we’re done with the Big Surge of F2F Training Workshops to support the transition. More on that later…

Taylor Institute construction

We now have some roof, some of the upper floor, an elevator core skeleton, and a wall! progress!


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