2014 week 50 in review


  • learning spaces - my group is going to be focusing on the design of learning spaces starting in the new year - especially on how physical and digital learning spaces overlap, and how design can help to shape engaging learning experiences.
  • paperwork. the absolute worst part of my job is reconciling the damned AMEX statement each month. I'm getting better at it, so it's slightly less painful now. Might be worse, if vendors actually took AMEX…
  • the office non-denominational winter-solstice tree-shaped social artifact is up and decorated.
  • cleaned out a storage room to use for the "technology lending library" - starting to collect a few different bits of tech that instructors can borrow to experiment with. Swivls, microphones, cameras, etc…
  • got a Canon HF G30 compact video camera, to use with some projects. Holy. What a fantastic little camera. 20x optical zoom (and 400x digital zoom! I haven't tried that yet). f/1.8 lens. Wifi control and streaming. Crazy.
  • moved into the new iMac 5K as my main work computer. Wow. So many pixels. But they're too small to actually see… Already starting to crunch away at the Reclaim Hackathon interviews to get a second and third episode up soon. Ish.



  • the skiing line of the year - no. way. in. hell. I'm getting into skiing, and I admire the lines and skill of these people. But nope.
  • took The Boyâ„¢ out to Nakiska again today. What an absolutely amazing day. He's getting stronger and more confident. So amazing to see him get better every time we go out.


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