2015 week 28 in review


Mostly uneventful, but lots of things going on simultaneously. Still working on the Learning Technologies Coaches plan, and am writing job profiles for some new positions. We had an EDU post-conference debrief, to share what we learned at Infocomm/Brightspace Fusion/STLHE, and I’m still thinking about Welby Altidor’s closing keynote at Fusion - some really interesting ideas about collaboration and creativity, and I’m hoping to bake some of that into the formal structure of the EDU and of my group through carefully writing and revising all of our job profiles (including the new ones).

I’m a co-PI on a project that was awarded a 2015 Teaching and Learning Grant, so we can look at developing an online Instructional Skills Workshop and using what we learn through that process to help others adapt their courses for successful online delivery.



We spent some time downtown today1, and we relaxed in the Good Earth Cafe across from Brookfield. It wasn’t until we left that I realized we had been sitting in the ground floor of the Lougheed Building, where my dad had his insurance agency in the 1970s and early 80s. There was a push to tear the building down a few years ago, but it survived, thanks to the historic nature of the building, and of the Grand Theatre. They literally don’t make buildings like this anymore.

  1. I had to pick up my shoes from Fluevog’s only store in the city, after taking them back 3 times this year to have the soles repaired. hopefully this time it sticks. ↩︎

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