Tyler Hellard on the state of journalism

Columnists, Gawker, ViralNova, porn and websites profiling other websites prove that the Internet was a wonderful thing and we absolutely broke the shit out of it. Well done, team!

So what's the point? A lot of this stuff isn't thought provoking, it's rage provoking. Which, I suppose, makes it traffic/pick-up provoking, too. Newspapers are supposed to be for the benefit of public discourse, so it kills me that pageviews could be keeping these assholes in work. I love hate-reading as much as anyone (my entire Saturday is built around reading Wente's column), but that doesn't mean I think this stuff is good for society or that I'm not willing to go without. We don't need these generic "person has opinions on all the things" columnists in our newspapers anymore. That's what the Internet is for.

Burn it down.

Source: Pop Loser No. 42: Go Take a Flying Fuck at the Moon


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