2015 week 30 in review


Prepping for the big upgrade of our LMS from Desire2Learn 10.3 to D2L Brightspace 10.5. Lots of testing to do, to make sure stuff we've integrated still works. I think it'll go pretty smoothly, but there are a lot of moving pieces, and without a service owner in IT, we're having to make some decisions on the fly. Good times. On track to be upgraded on August 24, with our test server being updated in the next week so we can begin intensive testing (we've had access to it in our Test2 environment, but have had… issues… with authentication, so haven't been able to do much real testing. hoping to ramp that up this week…)

Made some great progress on getting the Learning Technologies Coaches program going. Still too early to share details - but soon…



I decided to stop waiting for my bad foot to magically get better, and just start riding again. Feels good. Rode to work one day this week, and am planning to do much more of that. Also, got out on the highway to ride out to Cochrane and back for an easy ride.

Oh. We also added a family member.

meet bella

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