Cann & Badge (2011). Reflective social portfolios for feedback and peer mentoring

Cann, A. J., & Badge, J. L. (2011). Reflective Social Portfolios for Feedback and Peer Mentoring.


p.6: To facilitate construction of student-owned eportfolios, we initially selected two wiki sites (, and a blogging tool ( as the choices promoted to students, although students were told that they were free to use whatever tools they wish to build their eportfolio as long as they discuss and justify their choice with a member of staff before embarking on the project. The outcome of the preceding evaluation project was to select these tools rather than commercially available e portfolio packages since these are free, and available to students for as long as they wish to use them. In the event, all the the students elected to use the wiki architecture, although they used the sites in different ways. To assist in the construction of eportfolios, students were give exemplars based on a fictional first year student. These were hosted on the Wetpaint/Wikispaces/ sites. Students were also given assessment criteria and a schedule of four assessment deadlines. The assessment criteria were based loosely on the reported e e portfolio assessment criteria from Penn State University (Penn State University, 2006). — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.7: Student response to the introduction of these new technologies was generally muted. Where tools fitted clearly into what were perceived to be tasks readily associated with academic study (e.g. writing essays, giving presentations), they were readily accepted without much comment. With tools which introduced new concepts to many students, e.g. social bookmarking to share information across modules, RSS subscriptions to journals, there was some resistance, as these were perceived as non -core tasks which might detract from academic attainment as narrowly defined by marks. Apart from questionnaire feedback, — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.8: -one There is clear evidence that online identities are merging, favouring all-in Swiss Army Knife destinations such as the big social networks. Institutional services feature low on this list, but it is difficult to be sure whether this is an accurate reflection of usage, or rather a perception of what was required in the mind mapping exercise. — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.9: Many students struggled to distinguish between a curriculum vitae and a portfolio. The process and value of reflection needed to be emphasised. — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.9: dislike portfolios, whatever the format. Fundamentally, it was the process of enforced reflection they found challenging rather than the software used or the implementation. In responses to questionnaires, students — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.20: Gephi uses the Louvain method for community detection (Blondel et al, 2008). A modularity value of 0.4 or greater is considered to indicate meaningful communities within the network. — Highlighted Apr 28, 2012

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