Looking for digital whiteboard software

We’re setting up a bunch1 of “collaboration carts” in the new building. They’ll be used to do a bunch of things (videoconferencing, wireless collaborative displays via Mersive Solstice Pod, Google Docs, Office 365) - when someone plugs one into a floor box, it fires up and asks them what they want it to be. One of the things we want it to be able to become is a digital whiteboard - as much as people love digital stuff, they really love whiteboards.

So. I’ve been trying to find a really great whiteboard app - the embedded PC runs Windows 8, so I’m looking for a Windows application (or a web app if we can make it do what we need). It needs to be super-easy to start a session, and it needs to be super-easy for people to save the whiteboard images (bonus points for emailing the images to someone automatically at the end of a session).

I’ve been gathering links to candidate software using my Old Timey Antisocial Bookmarking platform. Any recommendations?

Update: It turns out the 50" Panasonic TH-50lfb70u displays have whiteboard functionality baked into the hardware. We will be looking at that ASAP - they’re still being installed, so we can’t actually try them for another week…


  1. 37 is a bunch ↩︎

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