research methods discussion + reflection

  • Check-in
  • Action items from previous meeting
    • Schedule meeting times (doodle poll in progress)
    • Approve approaches to documentation of informal progress (blog, meeting notes, comments and questions about program)
    • Begin work on methodology for grant
    • Begin work on research methods reading material
    • Finalize readings from SoTL and CompSci (coming ASAP from ES & NC)
  • DRAM 605 – weekly meetings to discuss readings and test ideas toward SSHRC proposal
  • Having a conversation about the nature of language in sharing (text/material) (online/publicly)
  • CMD PhD weekly meetings –
  • Reflective practice based on research – constantly testing the work
  • Next meetings
    • Discuss intro to each methods book
    • Teach the intro chapter
    • 3 hours every Monday, 1 with PF
    • DRAM 605 – meets Monday afternoon 2-5pm
  • Grant application – Who do we apply to? NSERC? SSHRC?

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