Thoughts on immersive capture

I’m still not sure how to fully describe what I’m trying to do. At the most basic level, I want to find ways to apply technologies and practices to support and enhance reflection by people as they learn the craft of teaching. That’s what prompted the Nao robot study, and the various types of media (text, video, cartoon video, audio, synthetic audio…).

In a perfect world, what would this look like? I imagine capturing a teaching and learning session (a classroom session, a field trip, a laboratory activity…) volumetrically. The shape of the spaces. The shapes of the participants. The flow of participants throughout the session. The content on various displays and devices as used during the session. The video/texturemap and audio of the session. To capture everything. Multimodal, multisensory, volumetric capture of an event.

Why? Not just to capture it. Documentation is the first stage. But then, to support the learning-teacher to come back and revisit the session. To view it from their perspective, as well as those of the various participants. As well as from arbitrary perspectives. What did the session look like from above? From the point of view of Student Particpant 23? Etc.

And, even that isn’t the end goal. What if various other types of data and information are layered on top of the experience as it is reviewed? What if positional data – heat maps of locations for participants throughout the session, biometric information, kinesthetic information (body posture, motion…), dramaturgic information – connecting the kinesthetic to presentational and performative theory? When a teacher is in this position, in this posture, it commonly indicates this … to the participants. When you do this, it implies … and participants often infer …

How do we use the connections between disciplines, the connections between recorded and interpreted data – applying expert knowledge to interpret the actions and interactions within the session – to help support meaningful reflection by the instructor (and other participants)?

But WHY focus on reflection? Because that is how we learn. By examining what we have done, what we have assumed to have done. To openly and meaningfully analyze how we have performed, and how that compares to our plans and intentions, in order to shape or improve future performances.

By providing a way for learning-teachers to deeply review and reflect on their performance, they have the opportunity to intentionally shape future actions in ways that is not possible through simply assuming and trying harder.

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