University of Calgary Teaching Academy opens classroom doors for instructors to watch and learn

Open Classroom Week is one of the programs that have grown over the last few years - instructors volunteer to open their classrooms to other instructors to come and observe how they teach, so they can see different kinds of learning activities and teaching strategies in practice.

As its name suggests, Open Classroom Week (OCW) is all about openness. By allowing instructors to observe and be observed by one another in active classroom environments, this event presents participants with the opportunity to engage with, and learn from, one another's classroom strategies, disciplinary specialties and technological teaching applications. At the end of Open Classroom Week, both observed instructors and observers gather for a themed conversation that encourages reflection and cross-faculty insight.


Open Classroom Week (OCW) is a University of Calgary Teaching Academy initiative supported by the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning. OCW encourages those involved to maximize the unique opportunity for interdisciplinary connections. Throughout this event, numerous teaching strategies and technologies open themselves up for observation, including flipped learning, personal response systems (such as TopHat and Kahoot), approaches to teaching in large classrooms, small group work and flipped learning.

Open Classroom Week runs from Oct. 10 to 20. For more information about the initiative, visit the Open Classroom Week webpage.

To sign up to observe open classrooms, go to the Taylor Institute Events & Workshops Calendar

Source: University of Calgary Teaching Academy opens classroom doors for instructors to watch and learn | UToday | University of Calgary


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