2018 University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants call for proposals | UToday | University of Calgary


These grants facilitate projects through three structural streams:

  • Practice grants: This stream of grants supports our pursuit of professional learning about research-informed teaching and learning. Practice grants are one-year grants, individual or collaborative and can receive funding up to $7,500.
  • Lesson study: These grants support team-based studies of a single lesson, carefully developed and studied to promote a significant learning goal. Lesson study grants are one or two year grants for teams of three to six members. Teams can receive funding up to $7,500 per year, to a maximum of $15,000 per year, for the entire team.
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: These projects are formal, evidence-based studies to better understand or improve student learning. They can be individual or collaborative and one or two years in duration. Individual projects can receive up to $10,000 per year, to a maximum of $20,000 for two years. Collaborative projects can receive up to $20,000 per year, to a maximum of $40,000 for two years.

Source: 2018 University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants call for proposals | UToday | University of Calgary

The grants have been offered for a few years now, and the program is adapting to incorporate new initiatives. It's become one of the most transformative things we do as a university to support innovation teaching and learning.

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