decommissioning a campus wiki is the longest-running learning technology platform at the University of Calgary - I launched it back in December 2004, and it's been chugging along for over 13 years. It's a teenager. Generations old, in internet time.

It started with a blank copy of Mediawiki, and an edit button. Over 13 years, 1,871 pages were created (for everything from faculties and departments, to collaboratively published articles for student projects to resources for organizing courses and programs). 71,393 edits were made (many of those were reverting spam attacks, however).

But, it's time to put the wiki out to pasture. The activity over the last decade has been tapering off, and now edits are few and far between. The time for this campus wiki has passed.

Although it was used quite heavily in the early days, the wiki has stayed as a project supported and managed by myself. Which obviously isn't sustainable (even though that horribly irresponsible hosting service has outlasted every other platform hosted by the university for academic use… is a close second - I launched the first iteration of that service as back in March 2005!)

So. I've made a static copy of the wiki, and will be decommissioning the PHP/MySQL "live" version. I'll leave the static copy up until the internet is no longer a thing, but without the overhead of managing a server, updating software, and scanning for vulnerabilities and spam.


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