Resources for learning space evaluation

I was asked to pull together some links to resources that can be used to get started in evaluating learning spaces - how are they used? how effective are they? what kinds of interactions are enabled by the spaces? etc. There are some great resources - best to share the list here rather than just in an email…

EDUCAUSE has some really fantastic resources on evaluating learning spaces. They have a book full of concepts and case studies:

And they have what is probably the definitive learning spaces evaluation framework, the Learning Space Rating System which includes a scoresheet/rubric for evaluating properties of a space.

UCISA has developed The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit, available at:

And the Social Context and Learning Environments (SCALE) survey measures and documents interactions between students in a learning space, which can be useful in describing the kinds of things that happen in different types of spaces:

There are also many examples and resources at the FLEXspace project website:

I've got some more learning space-related links collected at:

But the ones above are some good resources to start with. What other key resources are out there? What do you use?


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