I'm Hiring - Learning Technologies Specialist

We have an open position in the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, as part of my team. I think it’s a pretty great place to work, with an amazing group of people, doing important work that has the potential to transform the university and improve the teaching and learning experience for the entire campus community.

This is a Learning Technologies Specialist position, with a strong focus on “program innovation” - working with instructors on the development and implementation of new academic programs, providing consultation and expertise on the design and integration of learning technologies to support the pedagogical goals of each program. It’s a full-time, regular position (not a term position), and is a great opportunity to work with the entire team at the TI.

HR removed the salary info from the posting, but:

This is a full time, regular position. The Learning Technologies Specialist (LTS) will work for 35 hours per week, with regular office hours. It is classified as a “Technical Phase 2” position under the AUPE Collective Agreement, with a salary range from $57,894 to $83,811 per year.

The full posting is available on the UCalgary Careers website.

The posting closes on May 5, 2021.

screenshot of posting on UCalgary Careers website


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